Tales of Harlowe: The Archives

Chapter 1: The Sherriff - Concerning the new Sherriff, Jennifer Diindiisi, and her arrival in Harlowe

Chapter 2: The Deputy - In which we learn more about Deputy Singer, and Harlowe itself

Chapter 3: The Viking - A stranger from the past comes to Harlowe, and a task is given

Chapter 4: The Stockroom - In which we learn about how Harlowe is fed, and the fate of one assumed lost

Chapter 5: The Radio Station - Sherriff Diindiisi delves into the mysteries surrounding Harlowe

Chapter 6: Objects And Artifacts, Part I - An introduction to some of the strange artifacts within Harlowe: the Vending Machine, the Multitool, the Well-wisher, and the Gym Slugs

Chapter 7: The Liar - In which a stranger makes a fiery entrance to our story

Chapter 8: The Crime - Small forces work to heal a wound, while larger forces open a much deeper one

Chapter 9: The Investigation - In which the town comes together to find the missing girl

Chapter 10: The Arrest - In which kidnapping turns to murder, and Sherriff Diindiisi makes her first arrest

Chapter 11: The Complications - Things only become more complicated with the killer in captivity, as a hostile force makes its move

Chapter 12: The Verdict- in which a decision is made, a verdict is reached, and the Landlord makes its presence known

Chapter 13: Objects and Artifacts, Part II- Further artifacts

Chapter 14: Scars- in which we learn how Emily got her scar

Chapter 15: New Kids On The Block, Part I- A trio of new residents arrive, and learn of an unsettling new threat

Chapter 16: New Kids On The Block, Part II- in which our new residents learn more about Harlowe, and meet the old Sherriff

Chapter 17: New Kids On The Block, Part III- In which our new kids learn about the ‘lamb test’, a threat is elucidated, and a desperate plot is unveiled

Chapter 18: New Kids On The Block, Part IV- In which preparations are made

Chapter 19: New Kids On The Block, Part V- in which The Black House fights back

Chapter 20: New Kids On The Block, Part VI- in which Sadie makes an arrangement

Chapter 21: Objects and Artifacts, Part III- Further artifacts

Chapter 22: The Festival- in which the town celebrates its founding

Chapter 23: The Oldest Man in Town - in which we learn how Old Man Patel got his nickname

Chapter 24: The Tiger - in which Harlowe gains a dangerous new resident

Chapter 25: The Hunt Begins - in which our heroes ready themselves for battle

Chapter 26: Burning Bright - in which Sherriff Diindiisi comes face to face with her quarry

Chapter 27: What Must Be Done - In which a tragic fate befalls a resident of Harlowe

Chapter 28: The Confrontation - In which Sherriff Diindiisi lays down the law

Chapter 29: Homework - In which Hector outlines his problems with the Sherriff’s problem solving skills

Chapter 30: The First Resident, Part I - In which we hear the tale of Harlowe’s very first resident, and his travails

Chapter 31: The First Resident, Part II - Detailing Tim Landry’s first year in Harlowe

Chapter 32: The Party: In which Sherriff Diindiisi celebrates the end of her first year in Harlowe

Chapter 33: The New Folk: In which Harlowe opens its doors to outsiders