Chapter 14: Scars
Probably the weirdest story I’ve ever written, and definitely the one that’s most likely to get me sued. That said, Gritty is so much fun to draw, and the idea of him going on a murderous, unstoppable rampage just felt so right to me!
Please, Philadelphia, let’s be cool about this.
Chapter 13: Objects and Artifacts, Part II
A short one to get us back into Harlowe, I badly needed a break after finishing Last Rites- the next chapter will be back to the usual length for Harlowe, 10-15 pages or so!
Chapter 12: The Verdict
So here we are- the end of Harlowe’s first arc. Maybe it didn’t go the way Jen thought it would, but stepping up and taking on the role of "Sherriff” was a big move for her.
This run has been a big move for ME, as well- I’ve never stuck with a project this long, and I’ve never really seen a project through to completion like this before. Every chapter had a new challenge, something I’d never done before, something I didn’t know if I could even pull off. The results haven’t always been perfect, this chapter alone has some art I’m incredibly proud of, and some that I really wish I could go back and redo- but down that road lies madness, a black hole of endless revisions and self doubt.
This is a long way of saying that a year ago, I wasn’t sure I had it in me to be a story teller, and telling this story, even to a small group of readers like yourselves is unequivocally the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m proud of it, warts and all, and your comments and viewership mean more to me than I can put into words.
With that said, while this isn’t the end of Harlowe- Jen and Singer will have more adventures down the road, and there are plenty of other folks in town with stories of their own to tell- but this does mark a stopping point, of sorts. The next three months will be devoted to a different work entirely. I’ve talked about it some in my news posts, but it’s a film-noire detective story with a twist I hope you won’t see coming, and a whole new cast of strange characters for you to get to know.
This has been an absolute blast, and I look forward to sharing more stories for as long as you’ll read them.
Chapter 3: The Viking
I’m sure I’ll get questions about this, so I’ll just mention here- you miss nothing if you don’t know how to read Norwegian. There are no secrets or spoilers in his dialogue, this isn’t The Thing, or Iron Man.
…It’s mostly just cursing. Maybe don’t let your kids learn Norwegian before they read this one.