Harlowe Chapter 2 is up!

I’ve posted Chapter 2 of Tales of Harlowe. This chapter gives us a bit more backstory on Harlowe in general, and Deputy Singer specifically, as Jen comes to terms with her new home, and the role she’s expected to play in it.

Artistically, I’m much happier with this chapter than I was with the first, buckling down and just putting out pages was exactly the right decision, if I’d let myself wait until I was ‘ready’, I’d never have anything to show for it, and as it is, I’ve grown more as an artist in these past few months than I have in years!

Congratulatory self-back-patting aside, this chapter is a bit talky, mostly focused on exposition- but fear not, chapter 3 will give us some action, as we delve into the story of an important character who’s only been hinted at so far!

I don’t have a date for chapter 3 as of yet, but you can expect to see a new Wolfe & Newt on March 7th.


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